The Court held a Final Approval hearing on July 16, 2024, and granted Final Approval of the Settlement. Class Members who did not exclude themselves from the Settlement Class and who completed and submitted a timely and valid Claim Form will be issued a Settlement payment. The settlement fund will be distributed to all Settlement Class Members who submitted timely and valid Claim Forms, after the deduction of settlement costs, attorneys’ fees and expenses awarded by the Court, and any service awards granted to the Class Representatives. It is estimated by Class Counsel that Settlement payments will range between $45 and $90 per Settlement Class Member, although the actual amount could be higher or lower depending on how many valid Claim Forms are received.
If you are a Settlement Class Member, you must have completed and submitted a Claim Form by May 13, 2024 to receive a Settlement payment. The Claim Form allowed Settlement Class Members to elect the method by which to receive payments including paper checks, Venmo, PayPal, etc.
For any Settlement payments that are uncashed or deemed undeliverable by the Settlement Administrator, the funds will be distributed by one or both of the following means: (1) a pro rata second distribution to those Settlement Class Members who cashed/received their initial Settlement payments (if there are sufficient residual funds to justify the administrative costs of such distribution); and/or (2) distribution to the Legal Foundation of Washington.